Dewar College of Education and Human Services Mission Statement

The Dewar College of Education & Human Services prepares professionals for multiple roles in 21st century educational, business, and community settings. Our graduates use theory, research, evidence-based practice, and collaboration for the improvement of the health, well-being, and education of diverse citizens in our region, the nation, and the world.

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Mission Statement

The mission of the Communication Sciences and Disorders department is to increase quality of communication and swallowing across the lifespan, by preparing career-ready graduates in the field of speech-language pathology who are highly qualified to evaluate and treat individuals with communication and swallowing disorders.


Below are the strategies for the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders: 

  • Increase student opportunities to improve student learning outcomes
  • Improve visibility of the CSD department regionally and nationally
  • Build and maintain collaborations with external service providers by maintaining links with schools, hospitals, and care communities.
  • Ensure that students can demonstrate application of evidence-based practice in academic and clinic assignments.
  • Provide learning opportunities for current professional issues and trends to prepare graduates for work-place environments
  • Increase student engagement with faculty and peers