Task Force Goals:

The Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force is committed to raising awareness and creating prevention programs and resources about sexual assault, sexual harassment, relationship violence, and stalking on our Campus and the local community. To accomplish this goal, the Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Task Force will:

  • Promote a safe and positive environment fostering respect, empowerment, and growth;  
  • Offer students and employees programs and resources for prevention and education on the issues of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking;
  • Work to serve the needs of individuals of all genders, races, ethnicities, religions, classes, ages and sexual orientations;
  • Offer survivors and secondary victims support, advocacy, counseling and referral resources on Campus and in the local community;
  • Work towards a campus and community that is safe from sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment, and stalking;
  • Facilitate collaboration and communication among campus groups and community resources concerned with eliminating sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking.


  • 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 has created a University policy aimed specifically towards relationship and sexual violence that is easily accessible and provides the following:
    • Clear definitions of relationship and sexual violence, consent, harassment, and stalking.
    • Examples of each definition
    • Clear reporting and contacting options
      • Title IX Coordinator
      • 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 Counseling Center
      • Student Conduct
      • 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 Police
      • The Haven
    • Brief outline of the conduct process
  • Prevention Programs specifically geared towards the Campus community including:
    • Classes targeting specific student groups such as: Athletes, Freshmen, Student Leaders, and Greeks.
    • Prevention classes throughout the semester designed for all students that are easily accessible to on and off campus students.
  • A comprehensive web site that includes all the links, resources, definitions regarding relationship and sexual violence along with links to local and national resources related to sexual and relationship violence.
  • Provide trained Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Peer Educators who act as liaisons between the University and the students.

Campus and Community Partners:

  • Academic Affairs
  • Campus Recreation 
  • Health Promotions and Wellness
  • Campus Wellness
  • Counseling Center
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Housing and Residence Life
  • Legal Affairs
  • Office of Social Equity
  • Student Conduct
  • Student Health Services
  • Student Life / Greek Life
  • The Haven Rape Crisis Center
  • Women and Gender Studies
  • University Police Department
  • 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 Athletics

2023-2024 Taskforce Members 

  • Ms. Holly Wright, Counseling Center (Chair)
  • Dr. Tricia Hale, Counseling Center 
  • Ms. Taylor Strickland, The Haven
  • Sgt. Kevin Cox, University Police
  • Ms. Madison Beumarchais, Student Life
  • Ms. Dorothy Nickell, History Department 
  • Ms. Myia Miller, Compliance Officer & Investigator
  • Ms. Selenseia Holmes, Human Resources 
  • Ms. Mya Curry, Office of Testing
  • Ms. Jennifer Grubbs, Athletics
  • Dr. Fred Knowles, Sociology
  • Ms.Marie Reyes, Graduate Student 
  • Ms. Adrianna Mallett, Graduate Student