
Performance Standard 9: Professionalism:

The teacher exhibits a commitment to professional ethics and the school’s mission and participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and contributes to the profession.

Performance Indicators at the Level III Level

9.1 Carries out duties in accordance with federal and state laws, Code of Ethics, and established state and local school board policies, regulations, and practices.

9.2 Maintains professional demeanor and behavior (e.g., appearance, punctuality and attendance).

9.3 Respects and maintains confidentiality.

9.4 Evaluates and identifies areas of personal strengths and weaknesses related to professional skills and their impact on student learning and sets goals for improvement.

 9.5 Participates in ongoing professional growth activities based on identified areas for improvement (e.g., mentoring, peer coaching, course work, conferences) and incorporates learning into classroom activities.

9.6 Demonstrates flexibility in adapting to school change.

9.7 Engages in activities outside the classroom intended for school and student enhancement

Performance Rubrics

Level I

Level II

Level III

Level IV

The teacher candidate shows a disregard toward professional ethics or rarely takes advantage of professional growth opportunities.

The teacher candidate inconsistently exhibits a commitment to professional ethics, participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and engages in reflective practice.

The teacher candidate consistently exhibits a commitment to professional ethics, participates in professional growth opportunities to support student learning, and engages in reflective practice.

The teacher candidate continually engages in a high level of professional growth and application of skills. (Teacher candidates rated as Exemplary continually seek ways to serve as role models or teacher leaders. This level is not intended for formative assessments of teacher candidates and may only be used in the summative assessment with proper documentation of the teacher candidate’s consistent performance at this level.)

Examples of Evidence/Artifacts to demonstrate performance on this standard:

  • Meets all deadlines.
  • Follows the 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 Code of Ethics for Educators.
  • Maintains professional dress.
  • Maintains accurate time sheet.
  • Maintains positive interactions with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Reflects on teaching and establishes goals to improve practice.
  • Participates in school-sponsored extra- curricular activities.
  • Participates in all required professional development activities.
  • Participates in collaborative student learning meetings (e.g., RTI, IEP, 504, etc.).
  • Know areas of personal strength and weaknesses.
  • Engage in reflection concerning your own teaching practices.
  • Demonstrate professional demeanor and positive interaction with others.


What it is:

What it isn't:

  • Adhering to legal and ethical guidelines.
  • Adhering to standards defined for the profession.
  • Demonstrating professional demeanor and positive interaction with others.
  • Respecting the diversity of ethnicity, race, gender, and special needs.
  • Acting as reflective practitioner.
  • Acquiring professional knowledge and skill.
  • Caring about students and respecting them as individuals
  • Being flexible and adaptable; searching for what works.
  • Caring, compassionate.
  • Love working with children, love children.
  • Believing all children can learn at high levels, high expectations.
  • Being cognizant of the legal issues associated with educational records, and respects and maintains confidentiality.



  • Ineffective teachers often are said to create a tense classroom and are described as cold, abusive, and uncaring.
  • Involved in illegal activates
  • Disregards code of ethics and professionalism
  • Late to school
  • Inappropriate dress



Sample Questions for Conferencing:

  • How well do you follow stated rules, policies, and procedures of the school?
  • In what ways do you protect student confidentiality?
  • In what ways has your practice been influenced by the school improvement process, if at all?
  • How has student achievement been impacted by implementing the school improvement plan?



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