Section V. Disciplinary Sanctions for Student Misconduct
The following are possible disciplinary measures that may be imposed upon a student or organization for a finding of responsibility for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. In determining the severity of sanctions or corrective actions the following will be considered: the frequency, severity, and/or nature of the offense, history of past conduct, the respondent’s willingness to accept responsibility, previous response to similar conduct, and the university’s interests. The disciplinary committee or hearing officer will determine sanctions and issue notice of the same, as outlined above. The responsibility for implementation of the recommendation(s) will reside with the Director of Student Conduct & Title IX.
This broad range of sanctions is not exhaustive and may be expanded or modified as needed.
- Expulsion: Permanent severance of the student's or organization's relationship with the University.
- Disciplinary Suspension: A temporary severance of the student's or organization's relationship with the University for a specified period of time, and or the loss of campus facilities access and access to all Valdosta
State University events. - Disciplinary Probation: Notice to the student and or organization that any further disciplinary violation will result in more severe sanctions, which could include suspension or expulsion from the University. Disciplinary probation might also include one or more of the following: the setting of certain restrictions, the issuing of a reprimand, referral to an educational program, or restitution for damages.
- Reprimand: Oral reprimand (an oral disapproval issued to the student and or organization) or a letter of reprimand (a written statement of disapproval to the student and or organization).
- Restrictions: Loss of University privileges, change in class, residence hall, no contact orders, exclusion from participation in campus organization leadership / membership, involvement in campus social, recreational
and sporting, or recruitment activities, residence hall visitation or access, the use of campus facilities, identification card privileges, limitation of mobility on campus; delays in obtaining administrative services and benefits such as holding transcripts, delaying registration, graduation, with additional sanctions for violating. - Restitution: Reimbursement or replacement of property; this may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.
- University Initiated Withdrawal: From the academic course within which an offense occurred, without credit for the course; or in the case of suspension, withdrawal from all courses.
- Change in Grade: For the course in which the offense occurred.
- Referral and/or Professional Assessment: The referral to the University Counseling Center, the Office of Health Promotions & Wellness, or Family Works.
- Required Professional Assessment (in the form of a SIVRA) and/or Counseling Sessions (a minimum of 2).
- Community Service: Assigned service with on or off campus agencies with prior approval from said organizations.
- Educational Programs: Required participation in alcohol or other drug education or abuse programs, anger management or conflict resolution or mediation programs, sexual or relationship sensitivity awareness or education programs, etc.
- Academic Requirements: Scholarly work or research on related topic.
- Parental and/or Guardian Notification: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 USCS § 1232g (i)(1) provides in pertinent part that institutions of higher education are not prohibited "...from disclosing, to a parent or legal guardian of a student, information regarding any violation of any federal, state, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use of possession of alcohol or a controlled substance, regardless of whether that information is contained in the student's education records, if (A) the student is under the age of 21; and (B) the institution determines that the student had committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession."
Student Conduct & Title IX
Student Health Center, 2nd Floor
200 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 Avenue
Valdosta, 蜜桃影像传媒有限公司网站 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5409