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  • B.S. Degree with a Major in Environmental Geosciences (Environmental Sustainability Track)

B.S. Degree with a Major in Environmental Geosciences (Environmental Sustainability Track)

  • Total Credit Hours: 120
  • Degree Format: Traditional

About this field

Environmental geosciences is the study of earth and its four spheres: the lithosphere (the solid earth), hydrosphere (the realm of water), atmosphere (the gaseous envelope surrounding earth) and biosphere (the realm of living things). Environmental geoscientists study and care for the earth’s resources and the environment, in addition to studying other planets and the solar system. They solve environmental problems and help manage natural resources, and play a crucial role in shaping policies that affect public health and welfare.

The Valdosta State Difference

Students in the environmental geosciences program at Valdosta State University hone their skills both in and in the field. Environmental geosciences students have access to a number of facilities that enhance classroom study, such as the Lake Louise Environmental Research Station.  This is a 13-acre blackwater lake located 7 miles from campus, is owned and maintained by the university and serves as an outdoor laboratory for students to study soil science, hydrology, biogeography, microbiology, botany and entomology. Other unique facilities available for environmental geosciences majors include a rock preparation room and student environmental research station.

What You'll Learn

The environmental geosciences program at Valdosta State University prepares students to enter graduate programs in geography, geology, natural resource management, planning and other related fields or to embark upon careers in industry, government or education. Students in the program develop skills in fieldwork, computer mapping and geographic information systems and learn about climate, landforms, resource management, and environmental policy. The curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to analyze environmental questions and devise solutions. Students use tools in geography and planning, along with a variety of analytical and technical skills to analyze environmental, hydrologic and planning problems of the region. Students in the program choose a track in either geography, geology or environmental sustainability.


  • Environmental Policy Analyst
  • Climatologist
  • Environmental Education Outreach Officer
  • Hydrologist
  • Environmental Science High School Teacher
  • GIS Analyst
  • Transportation Planner
  • Environmental Lawyer
  • Environmental Activist