
Dr. Yakov Woldman Portrait

Dr. Yakov Woldman


  • B.S. in Chemistry
    Novosibirsk State University
  • M.S. in Chemistry
    Novosibirsk State University
  • Ph.D. in Chemistry
    Novosibirsk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
Teaching: freshman chemistry I and II and labs, Honors chemistry and labs, biochemistry I and II and biochemistry labs.
Research: detection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in biological systems; quantitative assessment of generation of the reactive species by cells.
Resent publications:
  1. Yakov Y. Woldman, Tim D. Eubank, Andrew J. Mock, Natalia C. Stevens, Saradhadevi Varadharaj, Jennifer Turco, Mikhail A. Gavrilin, Bruce R. Branchini, Valery V. Khramtsov (2015). Detection of nitric oxide production in cell cultures by luciferine-luciferase chemiluminescence. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 465, 232-238. 
  2. Woldman, Y., Sun, J., Zweier J., Khramtsov V. (2009). Direct chemiluminescence detection of nitric oxide in aqueous solutions using the natural nitric oxide target soluble guanylyl cyclase. Free Radic. Biol. Med., 47(10): 1339–1345.
  3. Woldman YY, Semenov SV, Bobko AA, Kirilyuk IA, Polienko JF, Voinov MA, Bagryanskaya EG, Khramtsov VV. (2009). Design of liposome-based pH sensitive nanoSPIN probes: nano-sized particles with incorporated nitroxides. Analyst, 134(5): 904-10.



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